Aitor Blanco Pérez

Role: Researcher

Research Area: Researcher in Greek epigraphy and literature

Responsibility: Aitor Blanco Pérez is responsible for Greek epigraphic and literary sources from the 2nd century BCE to the 4th century CE.

Aitor Blanco Pérez completed his Classics degree at the University of Salamanca and gained his masters and doctorate from the University of Oxford in 2015. His thesis, supervised by Prof. Christina Kuhn and entitled “The 3rd Century A.D. in South-Western Asia Minor: Epigraphic Studies into Civic Life and Diplomatic Relations with Rome”, sought to reconsider the inscriptions produced by the settlements on the Anatolian peninsula – modern Turkey – from the death of the emperor Commodus (192 CE) to Diocletian's accession (284). During these doctoral studies, he conducted research stays at Princeton University, the Munich-DAI Kommission für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik and various Turkish institutions (Akdeniz, BIAA) as a Craven Scholar.  Between 2015 and 2016, Aitor was a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Cologne under the sponsorship of Prof. W. Ameling and the Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Stiftung. From 2017, he will also start teaching at the University of Navarra. His research interests lie particularly in the area of Greek culture and the processes of interaction and communication existing between Rome and the local communities of the eastern Mediterranean.

Records created by this team member:

"Mixed-Language Inscriptions and Social Groups in Roman Ephesus"
A Cypriot Oath of Allegiance to Tiberius
A God-Fearer and the Menorah of Sardis
A Jewish Vow for the Salvation of the Severans from Qazion
A Roman Curator and the Games of Aphrodisias under Commodus
A king of Bosporus, friend of Hadrian
All-Ruling Rome, let your power never vanish (SEG 55.1204; I.Eph. 599)
Amastris and the everlasting hegemony of the Romans under Hadrian
An Anatolian Guardian of Peace in the Mid-3rd Century CE
An Augustan governor on the freedom of Chios
An invitation to gladiators’ games in Beroia (Macedonia) under Severus Alexander
Anazarbos: trophies and Roman victory between Macrinus and Elagabalus
Antoninus Pius and the Meleagria Games of Balboura
Antoninus Pius, Berenice, and the assize centres of the Cyrenaica
Antoninus Pius, Opramoas, and Lycia
Aphrodisias and the imperial temple of Ephesus under Domitian
Aphrodisias, Divine Kinship and the Accession of Septimius Severus and Caracalla
Augustus, Kyme, and provincial propaganda
Augustus’s birthday and the calendar reform in Asia
Baetocaece / Baitokaike: Valerian and the Ancestral Privileges of a Temple in Syria
Bakers and Riots in Ephesus
C. Claudius Lucianus: an Eirenarch from Akmoneia selected by the Roman governor
Caracalla’s court minutes in Dmeir (Syria)
Colonisation of Cyrene and the Jewish Riots under Trajan
Commodus and the Security of Boubon
Cyrene Edicts of Augustus: I and III
Decree of Halicarnassus celebrating the arrival of Caesar Augustus
Delphi, Hadrian, and the local citizenship of a Roman soldier
Donation of Claudius Tiberius Polycharmus to the synagogue of Stobi
Dura, the Parthian Victory, and Lucius Verus
Edict of Tiberius Julius Alexander on Egypt and Galba
Edict of the governor of Galatia on the requisitioning of transport and accommodation
Ephesian gerousia, old customs, and imperial cult under Commodus
Ephesus and Antoninus Pius’s Birthday
Eratophanes of Rhodes, a devoted promoter of Claudius
Fulvius Asticus on the Tetrarchic Price Edict
Funerary Foundation of Titus Praxias and the Eternal Rule of the Romans
Gaius-Caligula, the New Sun, and the Royal House of Thrace
Gerasa and the Games under Trajan
Gordian III and the imperial petition of Skaptopara
Hadrian and Erastus’s Admission to the Ephesian Council
Hadrian and Zeus in Aizanoi
Hadrian listens to Hymns in the Theatre of Ephesus
Hadrian, "prophet" in Didyma
Hadrian, Roman soldiers, and Asia
Haterius Nepos, Arabia, and the Bar Kokhba revolt
Hierapolis and a Greek Sophist in the Roman Administration
Honours for Claudius in the Stadiasmus Patarensis
Imperial images and the Demostheneia under Hadrian
Iulius Eugenius, a Soldier in Pisidia and Bishop of Laodicea
Iulius Saturninus and the abuses of Roman soldiers in Syria under Commodus
Iulius Severus, Hellenistic descendant, and Roman Governor in the Bar Kokhba Revolt
Letter of Octavian to Ephesus concerning Aphrodisias
Livilla as Anchisean Aphrodite in Ilium
M. Aurelius Meidianus Platonianus Varus, curator and priest of Roma Augusta in Termessos
Marcus Aurelius and Commodus on the imperial images of the Athenian Gerousia
Maximinus Daia and the Christians in Lycia-Pamphylia
Mylasa, its local coins and the long life of the Severan emperors
Nero and the Freedom of Greece
Nomenclature and Constitutio Antoniniana in Aphrodisias
Oath of loyalty to Augustus in Paphlagonia
Octavian and the Roman citizenship of Seleukos of Rhosos
Offering slaves to the Mother of Gods in Leukopetra after the Constitutio Antoniniana
Oples, leader of the Termessian allies dispatched to Marcus Aurelius
P.Giss. 40 and the Constitutio Antoniniana
Paullus Fabius Persicus, Claudius, and the temple of Artemis in Ephesos
Pergamum, Trajan, and Games in honour of Rome
Perge, metropolis by the emperor-god Tacitus
Phrygian villages, Roman roads and legal disputes in the mid-3rd century CE
Popillius Carus Pedo and the festivities of Artemis in Ephesus
Provincial Edict and the Market Days of Mandragoreis (Asia)
Publius Vedius Antoninus and Antoninus Pius
Re-casting imperial images at Ephesus under Marcus Aurelius
Roman Soldiers and a Local Temple in Dura Europos
Sacred Law of Gytheion
Sardis sends an embassy to Augustus
Senatus Consultum de Asclepiade
T. Flavius Damianus, Ephesus and the Roman army
Thasos and the refusal of a temple by Claudius
The Flavian Emperors and the Walls of Iberia (Caucasus)
The Jews, Proselytes and God-fearers of Aphrodisias
The Katoikia of Jews Inhabiting Hierapolis
The Roman Citizenship of Aurelia Paulina in Perge
The Salutaris Foundation and the Roman Representations in Ephesus
The Temple of Hecate and the Jewish Riot in Cyrene
The Temple of Zeus in Cyrene under Marcus Aurelius
The council and people of Ephesus thank Hadrian
The doctor of Claudius honoured at Kos
The inscription of the arch of Hadrian in Gerasa
Thyateira, the Roman Senate, and Roman Hegemony
Valerius Statilius Castus, Oinoanda and the arrival of imperial statues under Valerian
Cultural Frontiers and Local Epigraphic Habits in Roman Anatolia: The Case of Lydia