Heurist database builder for Humanities research (https://HeuristNetwork.org)
Database name: bnmus_test
Hosting server: heurist.huma-num.fr (find a db: https://heurist.huma-num.fr/heurist/)
Database access: https://heurist.huma-num.fr/heurist/?db=bnmus_test
Generated website(s): https://heurist.huma-num.fr/heurist/bnmus_test/web/85 (alternative link)
Display name: Rome Antique
Description: Base de données sur les crises de la fin de la période républicaine à Rome (133-31 a.C.)
Copyright: Belong to University of Nantes
Ownership: Nante University , Prof.
Database owner: Benjamin MUSOLE [ bnmusole@gmail.com ]
Record count: 43
Files referenced: 2
Data last updated: 2024-07-23 17:18:29
Structure last updated: 2024-09-02 15:07:57
Registration ID: 0
Entity types / Record types: Action
Actor (persons, association, innanimate)